Thursday, March 24, 2011

a lengthy shoot, but well worth it

I finished shooting a Range Rover spot. It was a long one. 7 days, somewhat narritive. I'm very excited about the outcome. 
I did, however, bust out the hipstamatic during the tech scouts to snap some shots.

downtown is so pleasant this time of year.

.....don't worry kids. That's a fake rat that I dressed to be dead. Don't call animal control on me just yet.

Yes, that is a seat of trash. Trash seat. So beautiful. Thank you under the 6th street bridge.

The photo below is a screenshot of the bedroom set I dressed. The art is compliments of the ever talented Alex Eckman-Lawn

You can't have a successful shoot without having gangster's line-dancing.

When it is all said and done I had a lot of fun with a lot of cool people, made some new friends, lost some sleep, and got to teach an 80-year-old woman how to shoot a revolver.

Mission accomplished. What mission, I don't know, but some mission somewhere.

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