Friday, June 10, 2011

she's alive!!!!

I am currently engaged in penciling, inking and coloring a teen graphic novel entitled Will-O-the-Wisp. It is going to be published with an outstanding sequential art publishing company that I cannot as yet name because our lawyers are still talking/working stuff out.
However, I thought I'd post a few pencils to get people jazzed.
I won't go any further into the details of the book until our contract is set.

I also wanted to include a sketch that my friend Alex Eckman-Lawn did of me. It's very elegant - so it doesn't resemble my personality, but it's beautiful just the same.

an underwater fish bonanza

I own every Hipsta pack on Hipstamatic. I'm not proud of this, it's an illness. However, I use my foible to create random pictures of EVERYTHING I encounter. 

A few days ago I drove up to Oregon via Carmel and Monterey. We visited the aquarium, took some scenic drives through Pebble Beach, cooed over sea otters breaking shells on their bellies. Lets take a look....